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Care And Feeding Of The Common Houseplant

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Caring for houseplants can be very rewarding. In addition to the aesthetic appeal that houseplants bring to your living or working area, houseplants can work as mini air purifiers. Houseplants naturally filter toxins from the air.

Caring for common houseplants requires some know-how and a little effort. Although houseplants are some of the easiest plants to grow successfully, there are some things that you need to keep in mind if your plants are to grow the way that you would like.

How to care for common houseplants

1.Plants need to have some degree of moisture in the air in order to survive. A plant would do better in the cooler temperatures indoors if there were enough humidity in the air. Once the temperature goes above 67 degrees F., the humidity in the air begins to drop dramatically. This is why many plants struggle during the winter months as using heaters dries out the air.

2.Do not put houseplants directly in front of windows. The temperature in front of a window tends to be drastically higher or lower than the actual temperature in the room. In winter months this means that putting your plant too close to a window could cause it to freeze. Also, houseplants are easily sunburned by being too close to a window. They prefer indirect light.

3.Except for fuzzy leaved plants, houseplants enjoy a daily misting with room temperature water. Houseplants need a good watering at least once a week in the summer and once every two weeks in the winter. A good rule of thumb when it comes to watering is to check the soil of the plant. If the soil on the top is dry or if the soil is pulling away from the sides of the pot, you should give the plant water more regularly. Never flood a pot unless there is some draining method in place. Roots that sit in water are highly susceptible to root rot.

4.Fertilizers can do wonders for your plants but only when used properly. Make sure that you get the right kind of fertilizer for your plant and that you follow the instructions carefully. Too much of a good thing, like fertilizer, can do more harm than good.

5.Many flowering houseplants and foliage plants actually do better indoors when grown under artificial lights. However, keep in mind that plants need time to rest from periods of growth so be sure to cut back on the intensity of light for at least 8 hours a day and provide your plants with a temporary period of dormancy in order to mimic the natural cycle of the seasons.

6.Inspect for pests. Like outdoor plants, houseplants are very attractive to certain pests. Spider mites are some of the most common pests that will attach themselves to your plants. Keeping your plants clean, moisture controlled, and with fresh soil every couple of months, will usually keep these creepy crawlers away. So that you know what to look for, spider mites look like small white dots on the leaves of your plants.

For more tips and valuable resources

If you find yourself in need of more tips and other valuable resources for how to care for common houseplants, you can visit a reputable nursery or garden center. Taking your plant to a knowledgeable person at one of these locations is sometimes the best way to resolve specific concerns that you may have. Also, consider visiting reputable gardening websites, such as the Better Homes and Gardens website, to search for information that can help you to best care for your houseplant.