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Cattleya Orchid

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Orchids are some of the most intriguing plants people can bring into their homes and add to their personal plant collection. Beautiful, intricate and fragile, orchids can brighten up and bring style to any room. With blooms that challenge the senses, orchids are not your typical flower. In additions to being great house plants, orchids are great flowers to give for gifts.

One unique type of orchid is the cattleya orchid. But regardless of the beauty of cattleya orchids, they can be a challenge to grow. Learning the balance of potting, watering, etc. is essential to making your orchid your own.

Varieties of Cattleya Orchid
Within the cattleya orchid group, there are several different varieties. In general, there are several different colors of cattleya orchid. These orchids come in a dazzling array of yellows, purples, oranges, whites as well as hybrids. There are varieties that bloom in spring or summer, as well as those that bloom in the fall or winter. There are also a variety of sizes available. Two specific types of cattleya are the Landate and the Chocolate Drop or Volcano Queen orchid. The Landate has a beautiful spotted flowers and a bold pink center. This particular cattleya blooms late spring or later in the summer. The chocolate drop is a vivacious breed with a reddish brown petals and a beautiful yellow center. In contrast to the landate, this delicious flower blooms in the fall.

Care For Your Cattleya Orchid
There are several different aspects to consider in the care of your cattleya orchid, including light, water, fertilizer, and potting.

Light is vitally important for blooming plants, and orchids are no different. Midday sun shining directly on the plants should be avoided, but filtered sun is encouraged. In addition to sunlight, correct watering is also important. It is important that you let the soil of your cattleya to dry completely before you add more water to the plant.

Feeding and fertilization are also key elements to keeping your cattleya’s in perfect shape. Fertilizer should be given regularly. The specific type of fertilizer will vary depending on the stage of growth. Finally, there is potting to consider when caring for your orchid. Because these plants prefer drying out between watering, these orchids need to be planted in a pot that allows for proper draining.