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Die Hard Houseplants For The Brown Thumb

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If you weren’t blessed with a green thumb but still want to have houseplants, these plants are for you! Here is a list of some of the easiest plants to care for. Just add water, and they should live and even thrive. You don’t even have to remember to water them that regularly; these plants are just plain hard to kill.

The Spider Plant—this plant is not only hard to kill but it reproduces all of the time. Spider plants are best known for the little baby starter plants that are continually growing off their vines. These miniature plants look just like the adult plants and if you cut a piece of the vine off with one of the starters and place it in water, roots will start to grow. Once the roots have started to grow you place the whole thing in soil and, viola!, two plants instead of one. The plants are beautiful with very distinctive looking bi-colored leaves. The leaves are long blades that are light green on the inside and dark green on the outside. These plants grow rapidly and in any amount of light. If you remember to water the plants once a week, that is plenty, and don’t even worry about repotting. Spider plants actually love to be root bound; the more root bound they are, the more baby plants the produce.

Devil’s Ivy—another plant that doesn’t need much care is the Devil’s Ivy plant. These plants are vine-like and they look great sitting in a windowsill, on a fireplace mantle or on any kind of shelf. The long vines weave around any object without growing onto the objects. The leaves are deep green and shaped like hearts and they make a beautiful backdrop for whatever you have sitting around the plant. Like the spider plant, these plants are easy to propagate, just cut off a part of a vine and put it in water. Once the roots start to grow, plant it in soil and you have a brand new plant. These plants need basically no attention. Just some water once in a while and the smallest amount of light.

Snake plant—these plants, also called mother in law’s tongue, might be the hardest plant to kill. They can grow in any amount of light and require very little water. If you just remember to water the plant when it starts to droop, it will do just fine. These plants are about a foot and a half long and have thick blades that grow straight up out of the soil. They have pretty leaves with dark green vertical stripes on a lighter green background, outlined in yellow. These plants aren’t as easy to propagate as the spider plant or the devil’s ivy, but they are even harder to kill. However, this is a great first plant for a child because they are virtually indestructible.

Aloe—aloe plants are a little more difficult to grow than the previously mentioned hard to kill plants but they are still hard to kill. The only thing that you need to know about the aloe plant is that it needs a fair amount of light to survive. These plants are awesome and fun because of the medicinal value of aloe. The leaves are big, thick, succulent, and filled with a thick juice that fills the leaves and is known to soothe the pain of mild burns, especially sunburns. The leaves grow to be very fat, like three or four inches thick. That much aloe could heal a mean sunburn! What’s more, the plants have babies all the time. Just watch in the soil around the main stem of the adult plant. Little plants will sprout up and if you replant them, they will soon grow into adult plants and begin having babies of their own.