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Flower Suggestions for Your Container Garden

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Although most flowers can grow in a container garden, there are some flowers that are better suited for growing in small spaces then others. Picking the right plants for the amount of space and sunlight that you have will ensure that you will have a lush and healthy container garden that everyone in the family can enjoy. When choosing flowers for your container garden and window boxes, remember the small things like looking for flowers that are not going to grow so tall that they obscure views (anything taller than twelve inches is usually not ideal for a container garden). Here are some specific suggestions for flowers that should do well in a container garden, so long as they are given enough sunlight and are watered appropriately.

· Petunias – Petunias come in shades of blue, white, red and pink. Petunias will grow in sun or part shade and can grow to be between eight and twelve inches tall. Petunias can grow with unfertilized soil and are perfect for those who have a hard time remembering to water their plants as they can withstand being without water for longer periods of time.

· Impatiens – Impatiens bloom in hues of white, pink and red and almost prefer the shade to direct sunlight. Impatiens are easy to grow because they are not picky when it comes to their sun exposure and because they require no special type of soil.

· Nasturtiums – Nasturtiums are easy to care for, don’t mind being neglected and even have edible flowers. Their blooms are red, yellow, and orange in color. Nasturtiums will grow ten to sixteen inches tall. Nasturtiums prefer full sun exposure.

· Marigolds – Marigolds also need full sun exposure to grow. Most marigolds blossom in shades of yellow and orange. If you remove the dead flower heads, you can make the marigold plant bloom more.

· Snapdragons – Snapdragons bloom in the fall, spring, and summer. If you are buying a snapdragon for your container garden you will want to pick a dwarf or a cascading variety. Snapdragons will grow in sun or in part shade but do require more attention when it comes to maintaining good, rich soil conditions.

· Pansies – Pansies are a good indoor container garden flower during the colder months. They require no special care and will bloom from fall to spring without problem if they are positioned so as to receive adequate sunlight. Pansies will even grow and bloom in poor soil conditions.

· Geraniums – Geraniums can have blue, pink, red, or white blossoms. Since the leaves if a geranium plant are covered with fine fuzz, they are drought resistant and do not require an especially rich soil. Geraniums prefer sun to shade but will not do well in direct sunlight in hot climates.

· Roses – The rose is perhaps the favorite flower among gardeners and although it is possible to grow roses in your container garden, they do require some additional work. Miniature roses cannot be planted too closely; they should be pruned once or twice a year, and dead flowers should be promptly removed. Miniature rose plants need a rich soil that is consistently moist. Miniature roses also need full sun to bloom to their full potential.

There are also a number of different container garden annual plant options that you may want to consider. Changing up the plants that you have in your container garden according to the season may make having an indoor garden more exciting and diverse. Avid gardeners enjoy the challenges of having new plants on a regular basis and finding out for themselves which container plants are their favorite to grow.