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How to Care for Propagating Houseplants

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There are lots of ways to increase the number of your house plants. You can spend hours and hours and lots of money or you can use a method called propagating. This is when you use the plants that you already have to create more. It can be done with many plants and is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to have more plants in your home. You have to take care of your propagating house plants, but when they are fully grown, they are wonderful and you don’t have to worry about how much money you spent, because you hardly spend anything.

After you have planted your cuttings you need to take special care. If your plants don’t get the care they need they will die. They are much more fragile than more mature plants and so need much more care and watching.

If your cuttings are mostly immersed in water, make sure that the water never runs out. If you are going to be gone for a weekend, either fill up the water right before you leave or have a friend or neighbor take care of the plants for you. If the water runs out your cuttings will die. Even if your cuttings are mostly in water, make sure that you keep the peat moss or other soil you are using moist. They will dry up and die if they aren’t kept moist.

There aren’t any roots on cuttings and so you need to make sure that there is a high level of humidity for the plants. Use a plastic cover that is see through so that the light can still get into the cuttings. If the planter doesn’t have a cover, you can just use a plastic bag. Remember to get ones that are see through or the plants won’t get enough sunlight. The cover shouldn’t be touching the plants anywhere and so use stakes to support the bag and to keep it from leaning on the leaves.

You also never want direct sunlight on a cutting. Too much sunlight will make the cuttings burn up from the heat. Put them in a place that is bright and warm. It will help keep the humidity up and your plants growing.

When your cuttings are harder to pull up from the soil, even if they give a little resistance, they are ready to be transplanted into another planter. Be very careful when you take out the plants. They are still extremely brittle. Make sure that you watch the plants carefully for the first couple of weeks after you transplant them. They will be adjusting into their new habitat and weather conditions.

Check on your cuttings every once in a while. They need to be treated with a lot of love and care. They are like a pet. You have to take care of them every day or they won’t be healthy. Make sure that if you have to leave for a few days that they are taken care of.