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How To Decorate Using Houseplants

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Decorating your home with houseplants is a very fun and creative way to get your house to look fabulous! A lot of people have houseplants decorating rooms throughout their whole house. However, some people are intimidated from decorating their home with houseplants because they are not quite sure how to decorate. Here are a couple of tips on how to decorate with houseplants:

Use the houseplants to your advantage: One of the great things about decorating with houseplants is that you can use houseplants to your advantage. You can decorate your house with houseplants to help to cover up “problem areas.” There are many different areas in the house that could be considered a problem area, such as a place where there is a stain on the floor, peeling paint, or some other not-so-nice-looking area. Houseplants are a great way to cover up problem areas that you don’t want your guests to see. For example, if you have a stain on your floor, get a large houseplant that you can place on the floor in that area. Not only will it cover up the stain, but it also will add a dash of color into the room as well.

Look into different plant colors and varieties: When decorating with houseplants, a lot of people first think of different green houseplants. However, you should also know that there are lots of houseplants that are different colors than green. There are lots of colorful houseplants available, such as the Wandering Jew which has really lovely dark purple leaves with light purple flowers. Some of the colorful houseplant varieties are angel wing begonia, spider plants, fire flash, and negorelia.

Don’t forget about the color scheme of your home: Another thing that you will want to take into consideration when decorating with houseplants is the color scheme of your home. Make sure that you pick plants with colors that will look good with other colors that you already have in the house. If you really aren’t sure, then you could bring some pictures of the rooms in your house to the store with you when you go to pick out plants. The customer service agents at the store might have some helpful suggestions for you. And, if you are ever in doubt, you can always go with a standard green plant to try out.

Don’t forget the needs of your plant: When you are decorating with houseplants, it is easy to envision different areas in the house where your plants will look fabulous. However, it is also important to remember that when you are decorating with houseplants, you should also take into consideration the needs of your plant. Will the room be too warm or too cold for the plant to grow? Is there a sufficient amount of sunlight in the room for the plant? If you really want a houseplant in a certain room in your house that doesn’t have a lot of light, then you probably will need to look into the option of getting a light lamp.

Decorating with houseplants can be a lot of work, but it also can be a lot of fun! As a last note, just make sure that you use good taste and moderation when decorating with houseplants – don’t have so many houseplants that your home turns into a jungle. Instead, always concentrate on having a tasteful and reasonable display of houseplants in your home. This way, you can make sure that your home is still inviting, but it is also more colorful and lively with the addition of your fun houseplants. Have fun decorating your house with your houseplants!