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How to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden

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The taste of fresh herbs and spices can really add a delicious touch to a homemade meal. Many people love to have fresh herbs but just don’t have the time to go to the store each time they cook and don’t use them enough to justify how much is wasted when they are purchased in large quantities. But growing your own herbs in an indoor garden can be the solution to this problem. You can have a steady supply of herbs when you want them and you know that they will be fresher than any you could find at the supermarket. Here is some more information about how to grow an indoor herb garden for yourself.


1. Choose your herbs

The choices you make about the herbs you will grow is going to be determined by what kinds of herbs you would like to have in your cooking to add flavor or color. Some of the most popular herbs to grow in an herb garden are parsley, coriander, rosemary, cilantro, oregano, sage, dill and mint. The herbs you end up growing will depend on your personal tastes and what you will be using them for. It is a good idea to start out with just a few herbs so that you are not instantly overwhelmed by the variety of needs each type or plant has. Two to four herbs is a good way to start and when you have some experience and more space, then you can spread out and start to grow new varieties.

2. Choose your containers

Having the right pot for your herbs is very important. The best pots for planting and growing herbs will be made of terra cotta, plastic or metal. You can still be creative with how your garden looks by putting the pots into other items that are more decorative. It is also essential that the pot you choose to use has adequate drainage and a way to let the roots of the plant breathe. Painting or decorating your pots can also be an option and allow for your herb garden to fit into the theme of your decor. A live plant like and herb can also be a great way to add color into your home design and to provide a productive plant.

3. Choose the spot

Choosing the proper location for your indoor herb garden is also a very important choice. You don’t have to have all of them located in one area and they can be spread all over the house if you want. Many people prefer to have their herb gardens close to the kitchen, especially if the herbs give off a particular scent. It is essential that herbs get enough light and air circulation to grow well and produce the herbs you want all year long. The temperature should also be controlled in the area where you put the plant. Avoid window areas that have too much sunlight in the summer and get too hot. You also don’t want to have your herbs near a window that is drafty or gets too cold in the winter as this can quickly stunt growth or even kill herb plants. As you look around your house, you will be able to observe things you didn’t really pay attention to before and make the best decision of where to put your plant.


Growing an herb garden can be a very rewarding hobby and can also help save money while adding extra color and flavor to your favorite foods. Whether you choose to grow the herbs from seeds or to buy ready to use herbs, you can find a great amount of satisfaction in growing your own herbs. Keep in mind that any kind of plant needs to get special attention and that you should always pay attention to what is going on in the plant’s environment. Check on your plants regularly and look for signs that they are unhealthy or not getting what they need. If you need to, consult an expert who can give you tips and tricks for growing the best herbs.