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Seeds and Seedlings, Slips and Cuttings

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One of the real joys of working with house plants comes when you decide to try your hand at creating plants yourself. The indoor garden that is made up completely of plants bought from a florist or nursery can be wonderfully satisfying, but at the same time it leaves you in the position of simply acting as the caretaker of a garden originally started and brought to maturity by professional gardeners. When you start new plants from seeds or cuttings you are really starting at the beginning, and the success or failure of the result is up to you and you alone. There are two basic methods most often used by the home gardener to increase his stock: seeds and cuttings. In the sections that follow we will discuss both these methods of plant propagation in some detail. Here are the ways you can really get the most out of your hobby—in satisfaction and in beautiful plants.