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Some Houseplants Anyone Can Grow!

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Houseplants can add a lot of life to an otherwise stark room. But some people are weary of buying houseplants because they do not consider themselves to be very good gardeners. Fortunately, there is a wide variety of houseplants that anyone can grow with very minimal effort. Below you will find a list of common houseplants that are able to grow in less than ideal settings. Make sure that you do your homework and choose a plant that you think your schedule will allow you to care for, even if that care is minimal.

Common houseplants that have no need for a sunroom…

If you are looking for a good starter plant that is really going to be a challenge to kill, these common houseplants are the right choice for you. The following plants survive in low light levels and with relatively little work in addition to a watering on occasion.

Ivy – Ivy is one of the most popular houseplants because of its rapid growth in all kinds of different environments. As long as you do not over-water ivy it will grow quickly and dramatically. If you like the look of ivy but do not want it taking over your home or office, simply prune it back to the size that you like. Pruning actually promotes healthier growth and will not hurt the plant. Other common ivy plants are the Spider plant and the Wax plant.

Snake plant or Mother-in-Law plant – This plant is popular because it is notorious for being difficult to kill or get rid of (thus the cynical name). The leaves of this houseplant are stiff, and with minimal effort this houseplant can grow to be up to four feet tall.

Just make sure there is a window somewhere if you choose one of these houseplants…

All houseplants can survive without direct sunlight, but some houseplants will need more indirect sunlight than others. Houseplants that are partial to bright places will not do well in rooms without windows or rooms where the window is very far from the plant. Keep this in mind if you choose one of these light loving houseplants.

Cacti – Bishop’s Cap and Christmas cactus are not thorny or unsightly as the cacti stereotype would lead most people to believe. Cacti can be quite beautiful and they are very easy to care for.

Aloe – With the increasing popularity of all products natural and organic it is easy to see why the Aloe plant is increasing in popularity as a houseplant. In addition to being easy to care for, Aloe is also a medicinal plant. Simply break off a leaf, and squeeze out the aloe vera gel to be used to treat superficial burns.

Houseplants that can even grow in water…

Bamboo – Bamboo is an incredibly resilient plant that will grow in plain water. All you need to do is switch out the water and clean out the bowl every once in a while. Wandering Jew and English Ivy are two other plants that can grow in a simple bowl of water.

Below you will find a list of more common houseplants for you to consider along with the scientific names of some of the plants that were mentioned in this article. Plants may have different names depending on how the nursery you go to labels them. So it is helpful to know if the houseplant you are interested in goes by another name.

Asparagus Fern
Aspidistra (Cast Iron Plant)
Billbergia (Queen’s Tears)
Chlorophytum (Spider Plant)
Fatshedera (Ivy)
Helxine (Baby’s Tears)
Monstera (Splitleaf Philodendron)
Parlour Palm
Pothos (Ivy)
Sansevieria (Snake Plant, S. hahnii, Golden Birds Nest or Mother-in-Law’s Tongue)
All plants in the Tradescantia group (the most popular of which is the Zebrina which is also called the Wandering Jew or Inch Plant).