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Ten Terrific Tips For Tropical Houseplant Care

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Tropical houseplants can be very easy to care for over the long run if you make sure to give your tropical houseplants a proper start. Many agree that the initial efforts to ensure that your tropical houseplants are given a good start are well worth the rewards that a tropical houseplant gives. Tropical houseplants are a cost effective way to clean indoor air in addition to being aesthetically appealing. According to a NASA study, it is suggested that at least one potted plant per 100 square feet of home or office space is needed to be an effective air cleaner.

Some of the most important factors that need to be considered when caring for a houseplant are listed below. In order to find which factors are most important to the growth of the individual tropical houseplants that you wish to have, look for a care tag that should be on the plant at the time that you purchase it. These tags often describe specific precautions that need to be taken in the case of that specific plant.

1.Be careful that you do not under-water or over-water your plants. The benefit of buying houseplants is that they are forgiving if you are not perfect at watering them. So long as you notice the signs of over and under-watering you can correct a potential problem before anything serious happens to your plant.

2.You can determine whether or not the plant needs to be watered by checking to see how moist the soil is.

3.A typical houseplant needs to be watered only once a week. You may need to water your plant a little more or a little less but anything too drastic does more harm than good.

4.When watering, do so evenly so that all of the soil is completely saturated.

5.Use a good potting soil when you pot your plants. Houseplants need soil that contains and promotes nutrients, adequate drainage, and proper aeration.

6.Light is an essential part of what keeps plants alive. Houseplants cannot create the energy that they need to grow of they do not have light to fuel the process of photosynthesis.

7.Different tropical houseplants need different amounts of light. For those plants that need more light a southern facing window will have the most sunlight. For plants that need only a little exposure to the sun, try placing them on a western or eastern facing window.

8.Fluorescent lighting actually provides adequate light quality for your indoor plants so houseplants can technically grow even if there is no window nearby.

9.Lighting needs for tropical houseplants can range from 8 hours a day to 16 hours a day depending on the plant and the season.

10.The ideal temperature for growing tropical houseplants is between 60-80 degrees. Most households are between these temperatures anyway. This is why the average person can care for a tropical houseplant without ever leaving home.

11.Using a fertilizer on your tropical houseplants can help to jumpstart their growth and make for a more lush plant. Make sure that you buy the proper kind of fertilizer and that it is used according to the directions that come with the fertilizer.

12.The pot that you choose to plant your houseplant in will be a deciding factor in how large it is able to grow. Small pots do not allow for too much plant growth while plants can spread to fill larger pots.

13.You want to make sure that you pot your houseplant in a pot that does not restrict air flow and that allows for proper drainage. Not allowing for drainage means having your tropical houseplant susceptible to root rot.