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The Basics of Flowering Houseplants

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While many people claim that dogs are man’s best friend, the truth of the matter is that we would be nowhere without plants. Plant life creates the basic energy of the planet that animals use to live and grow. Plants also create the oxygen that we need to breathe and respirate. However, this is just one of the many benefits that we receive from living amongst plants. Another major benefit is that they are amazingly beautiful. Plants are one of the most beautiful things on our planet and people have made them a major part of their lives for thousands of years. We give each other flowers on special occasions, both happy and sad, because their grace says something special. The amazing variety in terms of color and shape charms us and helps us to feel better about our environments. So if we are trying to beautify our homes, what could be better than some flowers? Many people don’t realize that there are thousands of species of flowering houseplant that could truly brighten their living or office space. Imagine sitting inside on a cool winter day, snow falling outside, while an amazing orchid or vine flowers in front of you. For those of us who have a hard time in the dreariness of winter, you should consider getting a flowering houseplant. My friends seem to think that you need special gardening skills and some sort of special indoor envrionment for a flowering houseplant. They think that they are exotic and expensive plants that will cost them a bundle to take care of. In most cases none of this is true, and with a little effort you can grow beautiful flowering houseplants. If you are going to produce thriving flowering houseplants you need to now some basics, and here they are:

1. Placement of houseplants is probably the most important part of the whole procedure. Because light and temperature vary in a home, you need to find just the perfect spot for your flowering plants. Too much light or too little can quickly kill a plant. The key is to experiment and observe the plants to make sure that they are happy with where they are. Move them around and try various positions until you have the perfect location.

2. Warmth and humidity are also generally quite important for flowering houseplants. Usually these plants need a warm environment to get them to bloom, and they will probably also need some moisture in the air to keep them going. Avoid drafts or other cool areas as they could wilt the plant or cause it to not bloom.

3. Watering and fertilizing are crucial for flowering plants because they are growing and performing activities that require a great deal of energy. Flowering plants might need a bit more water than those that are not. However, a common problem with houseplants is over watering. We don’t realize that plants can drown in too much water or rot to death from sitting in a swamp. When you water make sure that the plant is damp afterward but not soaking, and make sure that the plant can drain its water.

These are just a few of the basics of flowering houseplants. As you experiment with your plants you will come to realize what you need to do to keep these plants healthy and happy. While some species are tricky, working with them can become a life long relationship. I love my flowering houseplants like any member of the family. They are my prized possessions, and with some basic care and training they can become yours.