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The Easiest Way to Propagate Your Houseplant

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You can propagate almost any plant that you have and create many more. There are lots of ways to propagate a house plant. You can use sexual propagation or asexual propagation. The easiest way to propagate a house plant asexually is to use the method of separation or division. Let’s look a little more into how to propagate a house plant using the separation method.

First you will want to get a healthy plant. It should be a plant that has been growing for a while and not one that you just picked up or started growing a few months ago. You need to know exactly what kind of plant it is. If you have no idea but like it and want to make more of it, then research it on the Internet. You could also take it into your local nursery and ask someone there. They should be able to help you. You need to know exactly what type of plant it is.

After you have found out what type of plant it is, make sure that you find out which cutting method is good for your plant. There are tons of different types of plants and each plant usually only has one way that it can be cut for propagation. If you don’t cut the plant the right way, you will end up with a cut piece of your plant that is completely useless. You will waste tons of time and money on trying to make new plants when you did it wrong in the first place. Print out the instructions on how to cut your plant for propagation. You will need step by step instructions so that you know exactly what to do.

When you are ready to start propagating your plant, make sure that you have the following ready. The instructions on how to cut the leaves or stem, a planter with holes in the bottom for the new plants to grow, your healthy plant you will be cutting, some shears or scissors, rooting hormones if you want them, water, peat moss, and sand.

Fill the planter with a mixture of equal part sand and peat moss. Then get your instructions and cut the plant how your instructions tell you to. Remember, each plant is different to cut, but each method of cutting is pretty simple. Get as many cuttings as you want. You don’t want to overfill the planter, but leave a lot of space in between the cuttings, especially if this is your first time. It is better to have only a few successful plants than a whole bunch of no plants.

Plant the cuttings into the peat moss and sand. If you are using rooting hormones, dip the cuttings in the rooting hormones first and then plant them. You will want to plant them fairly deep. If you are using a long stem, make sure that the stem is firmly in the peat moss and sand so that it won’t fall out or over.

Make sure that your planter stays in an area with lots of sunlight. You don’t want the cutting to be in the sun directly, but you still want them to get sunlight. Make sure they are getting enough water, sometimes you can even put them mostly in water to grow. You will want to transplant them into another planter when their roots are grown, but don’t do it until the plant has a hard time coming out of the peat moss and sand.