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Tips for Gardening in Containers

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People all over the world love gardening and all of the benefits that come along with it. But sometimes there just isn’t time, space, money or everything needed to garden outdoors. For that reason, many people who can’t garden outdoors choose to have gardens in containers. Container gardening can be very interesting and many say it is just as fulfilling as gardening outside. Here are some tips for gardening in containers.

Choose the Right Spot

It’s important for plants to have the right amount of sun and the right temperature for them to grow properly and to flourish the way you want them to. Choosing where you will put your plant can be a very important decision. You may be able to get advice from your local grower or nursery employee on what kinds of plants do the best in what spots. Often, the plant will have a tag or other information on it that says when it will grow and what the best conditions are for the plant.

Many people take a lot of pride in what kind of containers they put their plants in. This is where creativity with your container garden can really start to develop. If you have a big enough budget for your garden, then there should be no trouble finding great containers at a garden store or hardware store. But many people also enjoy finding great bargains on things that can be used as garden containers. Garage sales and flea markets can be great resources for finding plant containers, especially if you are on a tight budget. With a little imagination and some good searching, you can really make your container garden come to life before you even have the plants.

Containers can go anywhere you can find a spot for them really. Many people choose to put plants in containers outside because of the extra character that they provide for a yard or garden. They also give variety and dimension to the garden that is already in place. Containers can be great for people who have back problems as they prevent so much bending over or slouching.

How to Manage the Plants

It may seem obvious that growing plants in containers requires different types of care. Some plants need a lot of water and a lot of sunlight. This is sometimes easier to provide when they are in a garden outside. But there are also some problems that can happen if you water too much. Having the water seep out or spill out of the container can be a very bad problem, especially if your container is in the house. You want to make sure that your plant has enough water, but giving too much can also make the roots rot and the plant will die. Overwatering can happen when you see that your plant is starting to lose color or start drooping. Many people assume that this means more water is needed when, in fact, there is already too much water in the soil.

You also want to make sure that plants are getting enough light for the growth they need. Some plants grow better in very bright conditions and others thrive in lower light. You want to make sure that your plant is getting the right amount of light. So put plants that need more light next to windows or on balconies and put lower light plants on tables further inside the house or in parts of the yard that are covered with shade most of the day. Some plants are also sensitive to direct sunlight and can only tolerate indirect sunlight. This kind of plant is best to have inside.