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Where To Find Die Hard Houseplants

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If you are looking for hard to kill houseplants, look as far away from fancy nurseries and greenhouses as you can. The places that you will find hard to kill houseplants are common places, like supermarkets and trailer parks. Oh, you can probably get some seeds off eBay or some exotic plant website and those seeds will say they are hard to kill but that is for people who know what they are doing. If you are a brown thumb, or even a black thumb, you should not be trying to grow plants out of seeds. Listed below are some of the places to look if you are trying to find hard to kill houseplants.

The grocery store—most of your larger grocery stores will have some sort of a plant selection. The wonderful thing about the plant departments in grocery stores is that they are tucked into corners with no windows and no natural light. You know what this means? It means that the plants can grow in grocery stores with no windows and no natural light. That’s pretty good news if you want the plant to grow in your windowless office or a dreary corner of your house. Check in the grocery stores and also check in department stores like Wal-Mart or K-mart. Look for plants such as spider plants or devil’s ivy. Both of these plants are known to grow prodigiously and with very little care. Cacti are also a great idea if you have a little light but nothing more to offer a plant.

Office store—believe it or not you can buy hearty plants in office supply stores. It kind of makes sense since offices are traditionally hard places to grow plants but often places you see plants. Any plant that you find in an office supply store is almost guaranteed to be easy to grow. Plants that are typically in offices are larger plants that sit on the ground, like the big, fleshy looking rubber tree plant, or the wild looking dragon tree plant. Office stores are also a great place to find spider plants that grow well in large hanging plant holders. These plants can look quite dramatic when the vines with baby plants are hanging down off them.

Starters from Friends—if you are looking for a hard to kill plant, a great place to look is in your friends’ homes. Chances are pretty good that if one of your friends have a hard to kill plant, it is easy to propagate. For some reason, most of the hard to kill plants are. Some plants just have babies from time to time. Plants like the aloe plant or the Christmas cactus will spontaneously reproduce in the form of little plants growing up next to the big plants. If you catch one of these plants before the roots have grown too deep, they are very easy to repot, you just wet the soil and dig up as much of the root system of the little plant as you can. You actually don’t have to have too many of the roots to get the little plant to grow on its own. Other plants, like spider plants, shoot out vines on which baby plants grow. For any plant that has a smaller plant growing from a vine or a stem, you can just cut off the small plant with a bit of the stem. Place the plant in a cup of water and wait until roots start to grow from the stem. Once the roots have started to grow, you can plant the starter in soil.